
Business Owners: Do What You Love, Outsource What You Don’t

Running a business can be a dream come true — but it is also hard work. There are so many things to do, and it can feel like there isn’t enough time in the day.

A common mistake that small business owners make is to feel that they need to wear all of the hats, which can be overwhelming, especially with topics in which they are not trained. But what if you could outsource some of those tasks? What if you could hire someone else to handle some of those responsibilities?

Hiring help doesn’t mean giving up control or losing money. By outsourcing some of the more technical aspects, you can focus on other areas of your business to grow it more.

In this guide from the Calkins Law Firm, we’ll take a look at some of the areas where outsourcing to experts can save you time, money, and headaches, as well as the mistakes that can come from trying to do it all yourself.

●Legal support. Legal and compliance needs are details that you cannot afford to put on the backburner. They’re the most critical and urgent parts of setting up a business, but they’re also highly specialized. Unless you have a law degree, extensive knowledge of local regulations, and actually enjoy navigating the legalities of running a business, this is one of the areas that most entrepreneurs should outsource first.

The Calkins Law Firm is here to help support all of your small business’s legal needs. Our attorneys have more than 100 years of combined law experience, and we can help your company with the legalities of funding, contracts, choosing a business formation, mergers and acquisitions, and so much more. Contact our team today to learn how we can take on this critical aspect of your business to help you find success!

●Web design. It’s becoming more accessible these days to have a good quality, stylish website. Most web providers such as WordPress offer extensive training on this, often for free, which is why many business owners end up creating their own website. But it is time-consuming, and if you have more pressing things to spend your time on, there are plenty of freelancing sites where you can find qualified web designers to suit your needs.

●Accounting. Did you know that some people actually enjoy accounting? It’s one of the areas that business owners tend to leave to the last minute because they just don’t like to do it, but accounting problems can quickly become legal issues. This is why if crunching numbers isn’t your forte, you need to make sure that you are always on top of your bookkeeping by outsourcing it to a specialist.

●Payroll. Payroll is critical because the well-being of your employees and the relationship you build with them depends so much on it. There’s a lot of quality software in the market that lets you do payroll the easy way by managing employee benefits, scheduling payroll, calculating taxes, and making same-day direct deposits to your team members. Payroll is one area that is important enough that last-minute work and manual calculations just don’t cut it. Make sure that you set it up correctly to compensate your employees on time and in full for their hard work.

●Graphic design. Entrepreneurs often struggle to let go of their graphic design because it’s so intimately linked to the concept of their business, and it can also be kind of fun. But the impact of a professionally designed, quality logo and other assets can do wonders for your business image. Unless you are a whiz at design and can do something genuinely original, find a graphic designer that can do it for you. After all, the image that you decide on will stay with you for many, many years to come.

The options for outsourcing are almost limitless. Whether you need help with your accounting, marketing, or customer service needs, there’s likely an expert out there who can do the job better and more efficiently than you ever could on your own. Plus, they’ll put their passion behind it so you can count on a quality product or service.

Photo credit: Pixabay

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