Economic Conditions and Supply Chain Issues in 2022
Hear from an industry expert on economic conditions affecting supply chain issues in 2022. Followed by Q&A and networking breakout sessions.
About this event
Hear from Guhan Venkatu of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He has prepared an economic conditions presentation which will include discussion of supply chain issues.
With your RSVP confirmation you will receive a Zoom link to join the meeting.
As always, Q&A will follow the presentation, along with networking opportunities in smaller breakout rooms.

About Guhan Venkatu:
Guhan Venkatu is a group vice president in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He leads the department’s regional analysis and outreach group.
Mr. Venkatu joined the Cleveland Reserve Bank in 1998 as a research analyst. In his tenure with the Bank, he has held positions of increasing responsibility including economist and vice president and senior regional officer of the Bank’s Pittsburgh Branch. His prior research has focused on inflation and inflation expectations, housing and household finance, and factors related to regional economic growth. His research and analysis have been a resource for the public, and he has advised and informed the Bank’s president and boards of directors.
Mr. Venkatu is a graduate of Leadership Pittsburgh, and he previously served as a member of the Ohio Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.